
ACAAM represents the interests of academic addiction medicine specialists on topics important to the field by monitoring legislation and other public policy, signing onto letters, and developing organizational statements. This is typically done in partnership with other organizations, with ACAAM serving as an important voice for the field through its efforts.

Below are some of the latest sign-on letters and statements from the organization.


March 31, 2023: ACAAM Comment Regarding Drug Enforcement Administration Recommended Permanent Telehealth Rules

February 2023: ACAAM Endorses the Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act

October 2, 2022: ACAAM Endorses the American Society of Addiction Medicine statement - Optimizing Telehealth Access to Addiction Care

October 2, 2022: ACAAM Endorses the American Society of Addiction Medicine statement - Substance Use and Substance Use Disorder Among Pregnant and Postpartum People

April 30, 2021: ACAAM Supports the Introduction of the Opioid Workforce Act of 2021 in the Senate

Sign-On Letters

November 12, 2024: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter of Support to Congress to prioritize the inclusion of the Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act (M-OTAA) (S. 644/H.R. 1359) in any year-end legislative package

June 24, 2024: ACAAM Signs Onto GME Advocacy Coalition letter to the Senate Finance Committee Working Group on GME

June 10, 2024: ACAAM Co-signs letter with ASAM to provide comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services regarding a proposed rule to implement 200 new residency/fellowship slots by fiscal year 2026 

May 13, 2024: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter of Support to Congress for the Rural Residency Planning and Development Act of 2024 (H.R. 7855) 

March 15, 2024: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter of Support to Congress for the S. 3393 - the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Reauthorization Act and S. 644 - the Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act ("MOTAA")

March 13, 2024: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter of Support to the Hill for the Substance Use Disorder Workforce Act (H.R. 7050)

March 8, 2024: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter for 2025 Funding Recommendation for the Nation Institutes of Health

March 5, 2023: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter for 2023 Funding Recommendation for the National Institutes of Health 

May 22, 2023: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter of Support to the Senate for the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2023

May 5, 2023: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter of Support to Congress for the S. 644/H.R. 1359 - the Modernizing Opioid Treatment Access Act (the "M-OTAA")

April 24, 2023: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter of Support to the House of Representatives for the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2023

November 10, 2022: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter for Enhancing the Mental Health Workforce Discussion

November 4, 2022: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter to Congress Urging Swift Passage of the House Appropriations Committee-passed $47.5 billion for the NIH base budget for FY 2023. 

May 10, 2022: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter for 2023 Funding Recommendation for the National Institutes of Health 

March 2, 2022: ACAAM and Other Addiction Medicine Organizations Respond to State of the Union Address

January 24, 2022: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter to FDA to Retract Safety Communication Regarding Buprenorphine

November 15, 2021: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter to Congress Urging Swift Passage of FY22 Spending Bills

September 1, 2021: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter Urging Support for GME Inclusion Into Budget Reconciliation Efforts in Congress

June 28, 2021: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter Regarding Proposed Distribution of the 1,000 New Medicare-Supported GME Slots Provided in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021

May 18, 2021: ACAAM Signs Onto Letter Urging Congressional Leaders to Ensure Federal Support for Physician Training is Included in Legislative Efforts to Improve the Nation's Infrastructure

March 18, 2021: ACAAM Joins Nearly 70 Other Organizations in Supporting Senate Introduction of the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act (S. 834)

March 18, 2021: ACAAM Joins Nearly 70 Other Organizations in Supporting the House Introduction of the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act 

January 27, 2021: ACAAM Joins 85 Other Organizations Supporting the Addition of 1,000 new Medicare-supported GME positions in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021

Leader Testimony/National Convenings

April 14, 2021: ACAAM Board Member, Deanna Wilson, testifies before the House Energy & Commerce Committee 

ACAAM Leads a National Convening at the White House Discussing the Importance of Addiction Medicine Fellowships 

To share thoughts on other legislation or public policy areas where ACAAM can be helpful, please contact Director of Operations Dawn Levreau, [email protected].