Find Your Place in Addiction Medicine
Match Day has passed and opportunities still exist for those seeking a fellowship position for the 2025-2026 appointment year. You can download a roster of programs with available positions for programs that participated in the Match. Those interested should contact fellowships directly for additional details and application steps. We are also tracking these openings in the interactive map below. ERAS 2025 Season will continue through May 2025. Fellowship applicants can still submit applications through ERAS. Be sure to check with the programs you are interested in to learn if they use ERAS. The published information is a courtesy to applicants and on behalf of the fellowship training programs. If you are seeking additional information, please visit to search for a particular program. Find a FellowshipWith fellowships available across the country, addiction medicine offers a wide range of training and career options. Please use the ACAAM virtual fellowship opportunities map (below) to explore your options for programs participating in the NRMP Match. For a complete roster of all addiction medicine fellowship training programs, including programs not participating in the Match, visit
Candidates can use the fellowship map, below, to help guide their search for the right program. Clicking on a program icon will bring up some key information, including whether the fellowship has an opening(s) for the 2025-2026 appointment year. The programs included in the map previously indicated plans to participate in the upcoming Match cycle. For a full list of all ACGME-accredited training programs, visit You can open the map to a larger window by clicking the box-frame icon at upper right. This allows you to quickly identify the programs with openings, and it can also show programs by their departmental affiliation. Because addiction medicine is a multispecialty subspecialty, fellowships are affiliated with various departments/residencies. While most are affiliated with family medicine, internal medicine or psychiatry, some are affiliated with emergency medicine or pediatrics. The degree of the affiliation varies – some program directors are from a different specialty than the host department (PD specialty is shown when you click on a fellowship). Some programs may have specific eligibility criteria or preferences, but overall, the distinguishing feature of addiction medicine fellowships is that they are open to physicians of all specialties. Of note – although a number of fellowships are based in psychiatry departments, most of their fellows have been non-psychiatrists. We want to help:Contact [email protected] with questions or assistance with connecting with an addiction medicine fellowship program. |