Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, & InclusionACAAM is Dedicated to Fostering an Equitable, Welcoming Environment within Academic Addiction MedicineACAAM has taken, and will continue to take, decisive action to ensure the disparities in the access to, and receipt of, treatment for patients with substance use disorders are confronted in the training of tomorrow’s addiction medicine physicians. Anti-Racism and Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (AR/DEI) efforts are prioritized and operationalized through our internal governance structure, as well as through the development of several initiatives that are included below. The AR/DEI PlanACAAM’s 14-point plan includes a robust set of priorities for the organization in its work to advance Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) throughout addiction medicine and medical training. Successes will be shared with ACAAM constituents and included here on the website. Read the PlanAnti-Racism/Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion CommitteeACAAM’s Anti-Racism/Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee is charged with developing, implementing, integrating, and supporting strategies and activities to achieve priority goals related to AR/DEI and to creating an equitable and welcoming environment. The committee is made up of a diverse set of physician leaders who regularly gather to advance its mission and the organization’s goals related to these important areas. CurriculumACAAM has focused several sessions of its National Addiction Medicine Didactic Curriculum series on racial and social equity in addiction medicine. Especially pertinent curriculum sessions are highlighted here: Opioid Response Network: Advancing Racial Equity in the Substance Use Field This training was presented as part of the ACAAM National Addiction Medicine Didactic Curriculum Series on January 19 and May 4, 2022. ORN has provided training materials for anyone interested in this topic. Please reach out to Deena Murphy with any questions. The Developing a Shared Language For Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training (66 minutes) is to provide you with an opportunity to enhance your knowledge and awareness of DEI issues. We explore the potential impact of these issues on our beliefs towards those with backgrounds different from our own and how those beliefs can impact the people we serve and the continuum of care for substance use disorder. This training is an opportunity to reflect on ways to create more welcoming and inclusive places of business for our staff and clients, as well as look at ways organizations can support DEI efforts.The Systemic Racism and Substance Use Disorder: Anti-Racist Strategies (72 minutes) training builds on the initial training by providing a recap of the key points and the real-world implications of racism in our personal and professional worlds. In this training we focus on guiding you through individual action steps for being anti-racist, anti-racism organizational steps, and leadership strategies for addressing racial equity. REACH-ing beyond the basics: Preparing the addiction workforce to care for minoritized individuals with substance use and addiction presented November 10, 2021 by Myra Mathis, MD PowerPoint Presentation Presenter Bio Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Part One: Unpacking Racial Disparities in Addiction and a Path Forward, presented by Debra Furr-Holden, PhD Part One: Racism and Health Disparities, presented by Camille Robinson, MD Part Two: Identifying and Addressing Implicit Bias in Our Work, presented by Harolyn M.E. Belcher, MD Academic Addiction Medicine Responds: Addressing Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Hoover Adger, Jr., MD MPH MBA, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Louis E. Baxter, Sr., MD, Professional Assistance Program of New Jersey, Inc. Kevin Kunz, MD MPH, West Hawaii Community Health Center and ACAAM Paula Lum, MD MPH, UCSF Primary Care Addiction Medicine Fellowship H. Westley Clark, MD JS MPH, Santa Clara University Malika Fair, MD MPH FACEP, Association of American Medical Colleges Alyssa Peterkin, MD, Boston Medical Center Elena V. Rios, MD MSPH FACP, National Hispanic Medical Association PowerPoint Presentation Presenter Bios