Call for Fellow Lightning Round Submissions!The Call for Proposals is NOW closed!ACAAM is committed to fostering connection among members of the academic addiction medicine community by advocating for our patients and our learners, as well as promoting belonging. By leveraging our common purpose and focusing on the mission of promoting academic excellence and leadership in addiction medicine, we will develop the next generation of academic addiction leaders to be true change agents to create a more just system to care for our patients. Addiction medicine fellows (ACAAM Members Only) are invited to submit proposals for a 5-minute oral presentation on a topic of their choice for presentation during the May 28 virtual Fellow Lightning Round Session. We are providing addiction medicine fellows with an opportunity to present to a national audience of colleagues to begin the conversation about important topics important to their professional development. Fellow Lightning Round Submission RequirementsAddiction medicine fellows (ACAAM Members) are invited to submit proposals for a 5-minute oral presentation on a topic of their choice for consideration of presentation. Oral presentations can cover original research, case reports, clinical and educational innovations (works-in-progress are acceptable). When submitting, be prepared to enter the following information:
Note: the PPT is not an abstract, it is your "presentation" of original research, case report, or clinical/educational innovations.