2024 Keeper of The Flame Award Richard Saitz, MD MPH FACP DFASAM (Posthumous Award)Dr. Saitz was a general internist and primary care physician, an addiction medicine specialist, Chair and Professor of Community Health Sciences at Boston University (BU) School of Public Health, and Professor of Medicine at BU School of Medicine. Dr. Saitz had an international reputation in both alcohol and drug addiction research. His mantra was “follow the evidence.” His landmark article, “Individualized Treatment for Alcohol Withdrawal: A Randomized Double-blind Controlled Trial,” changed practice regarding the approach to the treatment of the common problem of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. At his core, Dr. Saitz was a dedicated physician committed to his patients. He directed Boston Medical Center’s Clinical Addiction Research and Education (CARE) Unit for more than a decade. He also chaired an Institutional Review Board and was co-principal investigator of BU’s Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute. His leadership in the addiction world was manifested in his many roles, including as associate editor for the Journal of the American Medical Association, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Addiction Medicine, section editor and sole author of key chapters in UpToDate® on unhealthy substance use, an editor of The ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine, editor emeritus of Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, editor of Evidence-Based Medicine, author of more than 200 peer-reviewed publications, and former president of the Association for Medical Education and Research in Substance Abuse (AMERSA), in addition to numerous honors and awards*. Dr. Saitz committed himself to the advancement of junior colleagues serving as a mentor to many, both in the USA and internationally. His critical, thoughtful understanding of the medical literature about addressing alcohol and drug addiction issues, particularly as it related to chronic medical problems including HIV infection, set him apart as an invaluable authority in the academic community. Dr. Saitz’s research focused on screening and brief interventions, integrating substance-related and general health care, and improving the quality of care, particularly in general health settings. He validated single-item screening questions recommended by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Beyond his outstanding contributions to the local, national, and international scientific communities, Dr. Saitz was a devoted friend, colleague and collaborator. *Awards: Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society, Boston Jaycees Ten Outstanding Young Leaders Award, Best Doctors in America®, AMERSA’s W. Anderson Spickard, Jr. Excellence in Mentorship Award, the R. Brinkley Smithers Distinguished Scientist Award (ASAM), Research Society on Alcoholism Distinguished Researcher Award, Educator of the Year Award (ASAM), James H. Tharp Award (ASAM), David C. Lewis, MD Service to AMERSA Award. |